Saturday, November 1, 2008

Response to week 2 readings

In response to the week 2 readings, 'What is Podcasting?'. I found podcasting is actually a progression of internet usage. Other than the visually-ables can read the content and being entertained by browsing the internet. The appear of podcasting have created chances for visually disables also enjoying the content from the internet by listening. For example, some newspaper websites allow readers to download the podcast news clips so that they could listen to that any time and anywhere.

The use of podcasting is very user-friendly because of the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) system. The system allows newly finished podcasts to be syndicated instantly to the world and will be available to anyone to download it. The RSS makes me feel podcasting have made effort on promoting the share of knowledge without boundaries because it is simple.

I also want to make response to the blog of Antony Loewenstein 'Bloggers of the world, unite'. I found blogosphere can help people around the world communicating based on its accessibility. Through blogs, people can get a more comprehensive source of information, though not all the content are credible. But then, it enables readers using their critical thinking to judge the credibility of the information. In addition, this blog takes Iran as an example, showing Iranian people trying to use blogs to express their live using their own view. Because of that, readers around the world can understand their lives using a 2-dimensional way instead of just receiving the 1-dimensional description from western media.